A living dead tot that is hideous-looking is an ideal pick to complete any haunted house decoration. Most of their faces and body are full of a black scar. The scariest part is their eyes; it either has two big eye holes, missing eyeballs or comes with glowing eyes.
If you think that their frightful appearance is the only adds a small frightful element, then you’re wrong. They could boost up the creepy level with the build-in animation function.
For instance, the first one looks like a tot from hell waiting for someone to feed her some human flesh. It is one of the best motion activated Halloween props. People just can’t ignore her presence because she cries and screams very loud while flashing her red eyes.
It's hard to imagine via word description. Here is the video to show you the scary level that she can make.
Just put her in a dark room and it'll make people's hair start to rise. You may consider the second haunted doll if you prefer it to be presented with a dress.
It is the sound-activated item. The haunted doll will make creepy cries when it is trigged.
Motion Activated Halloween Prop Living Dead Zombie Baby with Glowing Eyes
Haunted Doll Sound activated Zombie Baby Halloween Props
Spooky Moving Zombie Baby Halloween Prop
Creepy Zombie Baby with White Hair Halloween Prop
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