They not only just scare people with their eerie upper part of a body suspended in the air. They also emit scary sound with flashing eyes.
Regardless you want to decor with haunted house theme or want to add a touch of ghostly atmosphere for the eve of All Saints’ Day, they definitely are an ideal pick.
Be aware, they will make a nightmare for all your guests! Picture all your guests are run to the door and scream non-stop. So you may consider replacing with other animated Halloween props if there are toddlers in the party.
In contrast, do not hesitate to pick one from the following horrifying fake decapitated head to embrace the holiday spirit.
Life-Size Hanging Zombie Head Halloween Animated Props
While it emitting horrific sound, its mouth open and close. Watch this battery-powered zombie head in the following video to feel it’s frightening effects.
You may hang it above a life-size chained shaking fake coffin to create a scene that its body is keeping inside the casket.
In case you found that the decapitated zombie head is not convincing for a supper horror haunted house, then have this undead Cathy upper body part as replacement.
Undead Cathy Head Animated Hanging Halloween Prop
It can be set for sound-activation or the steady-on mode after putting it 3-AA batteries. You can watch how it frightens people via the video below.
If you’re looking for a creepy prop that mix evil horror face with witch accessory, then the following one is smart choice.
Animated Halloween Prop Green Cackle Head with Witch Hat
It is scary enough to grab all guests’ attention if it is being placed at the entry-way. It will send regards to all trick-or-treaters by its flashing red eyes.
If a terrifying upper body part is not suited to your decor theme, why not consider an eerie circus clown face? Although it looks more colorful than the previous props, yet it makes people feel nerve-racking.
Animated Hanging Scary Circus Clown Face Halloween Prop
There are a total of three different phrases it can say while its jaw moves up and down. Do not hesitate to watch the video below if you’re wondering what phrases it speaks while flashing its eyes.
Do not hesitate to grab the following animated pirate skull to complete your Halloween decoration if you are having a blow-up pirate ship.
Animated Hanging Pirate Skull in Tire Swing Halloween Prop
When it is being activated by touch or sound, you’ll see it is swinging its hook arm. It also is making ghoulish howls and laughs. Let’s watch how it performs as a spooky Halloween prop in the video below.
From the scariest zombie head to creepiest clowns and spooky pirate skull, either one of them will set your Halloween decor apart from the rest of the haunted house.