It creates a truly witchy atmosphere that lets people associate a bathtub is a big container of diabolical concoction when seeing it hang over the bathtub. It not only plays a function of preventing water splashing out of the shower but also fulfills the spirit of holidays.
Do I pique your interest? That’s cool, scroll down to explore the available options that allow you to draw magical energy in the bathroom.
You’ll see a big bowl that contains bubbling magical concoction in the first three options. It is suggested to pick the second one if there are young kids at home. It features Halloween theme colors which are obviously black and orange but it is not as creepy as others.
The fourth one seems like a scary movie poster. There is a sorceress busy stirring broth while an owl is staring at the hot concoction container. You may consider to add flying witch prop to complete spooky decoration.
Witch's Brew with Spooky Branch Retro Shower Curtain
Pumpkin, Candles, Broom Trees and Witch’s Brew Shower Curtain
Cauldron Green Potion Witches Brew Shower Curtain
Blue Witch’s Brew Full Moon Ale Shower Curtain
Cauldron Wicca Wiccan Witches Brew Shower Curtain