Do not hesitate to scroll and you’ll agree with this statement that there are nothing spruces up a home kitchen like a novelty teapot. It will add charm to any kitchen and complement dinnerware perfectly with its fun design.
It does not only whistle when water is finished boiling but also will bring a smile to your face each and every time you are pouring water from the teapot. Needless to say, this kind of striking teapot could be the centerpiece on any occasion to impress your guests.
Better still, its body is made from stainless steel and compatible with both gas and electric stoves. Its plastic handle also plays an important role in the entire design. Some of the handles look like a tail while some of them as long neck while remaining the actual function. It definitely would add a vivid touch to your kitchen or dining room.
Cow White and Black Whistling Animal Tea Kettle
Rooster Animal Shaped Whistling Kettle
Animal Shaped Whistling Giraffe Tea Kettle
White Elephant Whistling Animal Shaped Teapots
Whistling Pink Flamingo Animal Shaped Teapots